Active Atom

Precision Machining Mondays 15

Please Support our YouTube Channel

Please allow us to get stuck on you. We have a neat sticker set that we have been working on for the past few months and are excited to now offer them on our online store. Your financial support will help us continue making new Shop Adventures shows and upcoming Educational Series episodes on our YouTube channel at


How You Can Help Lance & Patrick

The Active Atom company sticker set is now for sale at o... <read more>

Precision Machining Mondays 14

Learn about Active Atom and their many domain names, which precision machinery and tools are these two guys refurbishing and rebuilding right now and when is it they are going to start making their product?


  • Domain Names for sale by owner.
  • Repairs and upgrades around the home and shop.
  • Precision machine and tool refurbishing and rebuilding.
  • YouTube Educational Pullouts.
  • Active Atom "The Perfected Product".

It is a Digital World


Hello and welcome to our Insiders Track blog.

Did you know that Patrick Lara & Lance Conway ... <read more>

Precision Machining Mondays 13

Meet the "Grinding Hut", a tough name for a gentle work space thanks to a YouTube viewer. So you think you can see me now? Levin lathe accessories replacement parts and a German machine controller panel. So much machinery and tools coming online a Bodine shunt motor with wiring bearing issues and lastly American Machined for "The Perfected Product".


  • Around the home and shop happenings
  • On a personal note
  • Machine and tool rebuilding progress
  • Producing a product progress

Maintaining our Work Spaces


Finalization of the Outbuilding named the "GRINDING ... <read more>

Precision Machining Mondays 12

Active Atom and the team are busy refurbishing machinery and tools and shared their first machine to be in full operation, a German Tapping machine. Also the company is adding a new work area, Patrick shares the new correct way to refurbish a drill chuck and retain the smooth values of greatness while Lance machines a reassembly tool Patrick needs to complete the work on two machine tool accessories. And finally Lance shares a few micro-machine world taps and dies that are each really, really small and Patrick taps a 1.0mm diameter hole and places a screw into it perfectly.


  • Machine and tool rebuilding progress.
  • How to CORRECTLY refurbish and lubricate an Albrecht precision chuck.<read more>

Precision Machining Mondays 11

Machine rebuilding starts to wind down (not really) but enough to allow the start of machining products in a few short months. We are awarded a great achievement from a social networking group we are members of and then Patrick says he is going to expand the number of educational instruction video about how we build, rebuild, machine and finish micro-machined products and likely many other on topic videos of how to and step-by-step, we really want to share our skills or knowledge to the next generation.


  • Machine and tool rebuilding progress.
  • We are members of some great online communities.
  • Educational step by step is or our first pullout video series.

<read more>

Precision Machining Mondays 10

We have entered the New Year with great direction. New vintage drill press idler pulleys arrived and a lathe tool holder to make threads on a set of tapping machine parts.  Also how to mount a Levin lathe and what remains of the Levin lathe accessories refurbishing process and finally what is the status of work edict?


  • New Year focused direction and a fresh YouTube.
  • Machine and tool rebuilding progress.
  • How we keep our Machine Shop and Workshop organized professional and really clean.

NewTube for YouTube


Welcome to the New Year ... <read more>

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